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Bronze Casting – The Lost Wax Process
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Cove Conversations - Clarke Reynolds
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May 22 2020 – Cove Gallery
Cove Conversations - Moira Ladd
Ever-popular artist Moira Ladd describes how an early love for line drawings and a career as a mural/stencil artist led to the development of her 'contemporary nostalgia' acrylic and watercolour style, painting familiar scenes in unusual formats and unpredictable colours.
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April 30 2020 – Cove Gallery
Cove Conversations - Oliver Pyle
Watercolour artist Oliver Pyle highlights two British landscape artists that influenced his early artistic development, Rowland Hilder and Alwyn Crawshaw, and also describes how two classical music masterpieces by Strauss and Beethoven provide constant inspiration for his best work.
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April 18 2020 – Cove Gallery
Cove Conversations – Sam Dodd
Sam’s love of wildlife and the countryside feature strongly in her artistic journey. Her work is influenced not only by other artists and artwork, but also music, books, television and wildlife campaigners, including the renowned broadcaster Chris Packham.
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April 13 2020 – Cove Gallery
Cove Conversations - Gina Marshall
Gina Marshall explains how her artistic journey has contributed in no small part to her recovery from mental illness. Taking inspiration from linocuts, doodle art, patchwork and pointillism, Gina has created her own unique style, and has become successful locally as a both a commercial artist and more recently as a gallery owner.
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March 31 2020 – Cove Gallery
Cove Conversations - Jan Nelson
Jan Nelson chooses four seascape artists – Turner, Aivanovsky, Homer and Dawson – whose works have influenced her, and also describes how the Scottish Colourists school continues to shape the evolution of her own style.
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